Thursday, July 19, 2012

The come back project

So, after a couple of weeks trying to get everything I needed for the project, I finally did. Got the wood, the paint, the knobs, the drill and last (but certainly not least!) the drill bits! With all the materials in hand, I finished the first 2012 Maui project.

It's an easy one I found online and said to myself "I love it. It's easy, pretty and I won't need to spend much in materials. I'm going to do it". So here it is:

I have it right next to my front door, so as soon as I get home I can hang everything in there and get no complaints from the other part of the team that lives in this apartment (aka: my husband). I hope you like it and this give you some encouragement to do it yourselves!



Monday, June 25, 2012

aaaand..... I'm back!

Hello! After some months -actually closer to a year- of being away, we're finally back! We can say we tried the mainland for some months and we decided to come back to Maui. Even though neither of us were born or raised here, and our respective hometowns -city for me (and what a city!)- are very different from each other and to this island, we feel an un-explicable 'homey' vibe in this place.

So here we are again, ready to stay for a while. Or not. Whatever. But one thing is for sure: we're stress-free, enjoying every minute of the day, having fun with friends, and still not believing how lucky we are we live in paradise.